Title: AnimeSecrets.org
Writer(s): FenixLament
URL: http://animesecrets.org/
Feed: http://animesecrets.org/feed/
Indexed since: Nov. 29, 2013
Description: Anime Secrets will accommodate your needs, featuring an extensive catalog of anime reviews, but also including a selection of manga and game title evaluations in addition to press coverage of many conventions such as Otakon, Anime Expo, and Mechacon.
Writer(s): FenixLament
URL: http://animesecrets.org/
Feed: http://animesecrets.org/feed/
Indexed since: Nov. 29, 2013
Description: Anime Secrets will accommodate your needs, featuring an extensive catalog of anime reviews, but also including a selection of manga and game title evaluations in addition to press coverage of many conventions such as Otakon, Anime Expo, and Mechacon.