Title: Dr. lolikitsune's notdotq
Writer(s): lolikitsune
URL: http://not.dotq.org
Feed: http://not.dotq.org/feed
Indexed since: June 1, 2006
Description: The third (... or fourth?!?) coming of the aniblogosphere Messiah. Dr. lolikitsune, lolikit or LK for short, has a Ph.D. in trolling and good taste, and his blog reflects that. notdotq is dedicated to an improbable combination of kindness and violence. It currently draws its power from two polar opposites: <b>Aria</b> and <b>Detroit Metal City</b>. Whether you want to sip tea while enjoying the sights of Neo Venezia or romance inanimate objects while eating freshly-baked cheese tarts, notdotq is the place for you!
Writer(s): lolikitsune
URL: http://not.dotq.org
Feed: http://not.dotq.org/feed
Indexed since: June 1, 2006
Description: The third (... or fourth?!?) coming of the aniblogosphere Messiah. Dr. lolikitsune, lolikit or LK for short, has a Ph.D. in trolling and good taste, and his blog reflects that. notdotq is dedicated to an improbable combination of kindness and violence. It currently draws its power from two polar opposites: <b>Aria</b> and <b>Detroit Metal City</b>. Whether you want to sip tea while enjoying the sights of Neo Venezia or romance inanimate objects while eating freshly-baked cheese tarts, notdotq is the place for you!