Title: Rail Tracing Anime Blog
Writer(s): paper
URL: http://saltytrace.wordpress.com/
Feed: http://saltytrace.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: Aug. 17, 2010
Description: Rail Tracing= tracing along the rails? Conveying to you my thoughts on the animes/mangas that I read/watch and at the same time engaging in a discussion about those thoughts/opinions. [I've noticed something. o_o . Even though it says ____ Anime Blog, it doesn't mean in any way that it's just about anime. If I were to add any more words, it would've been too long. heh. -_-'']
Writer(s): paper
URL: http://saltytrace.wordpress.com/
Feed: http://saltytrace.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: Aug. 17, 2010
Description: Rail Tracing= tracing along the rails? Conveying to you my thoughts on the animes/mangas that I read/watch and at the same time engaging in a discussion about those thoughts/opinions. [I've noticed something. o_o . Even though it says ____ Anime Blog, it doesn't mean in any way that it's just about anime. If I were to add any more words, it would've been too long. heh. -_-'']