Title: ani-culture.net
Writer(s): tueac
URL: http://ani-culture.net
Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/ani-culturenet
Indexed since: April 20, 2010
Description: Ani-Culture.net is a place for all things in the anime sub-culture to take on the main stage while meeting with the culture of the people. For anime is universal and humans love beautiful things. Anime is Beautiful! And we love it!
Writer(s): tueac
URL: http://ani-culture.net
Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/ani-culturenet
Indexed since: April 20, 2010
Description: Ani-Culture.net is a place for all things in the anime sub-culture to take on the main stage while meeting with the culture of the people. For anime is universal and humans love beautiful things. Anime is Beautiful! And we love it!