I originally thought that this week's episode would be the finale, so imagine my surprise to find out that it wasn't! In retrospect, it makes sense since there's still a lot to deal with in terms of Ohana's relationship with the staff at Kissuiso as well as the state of the inn itself. The episode starts off with Ohana working alongside Yuina to help prepare for the festival, though she doesn't seem very excited about it. Yuina is chatting happily with Ohana and pauses to ask if Ohana has made her wish plaque yet. When Ohana says no, Yuina tells her that she better figure out what she wants to wish for soon since the wishes usually come true. This causes Ohana to think about what she originally wished for when she arrived in Yunosagi; she wanted to shine for once, but now she's unsure of what she wants. Yuina suddenly hands Ohana a bag of wishing plaques and tells her that they're for everyone at the Kissuiso and that she should get them to write down their wishes soon, since the festival is only a couple days away. While Ohana is helping out with the festival, the rest of the staff is in the staff room, going over what they'll do in terms of service. It's decided that breakfast will be served buffet style instead of whenever the guests want them, to minimize strain on the kitchen staff. Though Ren doesn't seem too thrilled with the idea, he comes to the conclusion that they'll make the same food as always, it'll just be served in a different format. Tomoe decides that instead of assigning certain rooms to each waitress, they'll all help each other out with the rooms. Ohana's grandma then enters the room and angrily states that Enishi continued taking reservations, but instead of backing down like I thought he would, Enishi stands up for himself and the staff, saying that he won't lose to her. Ren, Tohru, Tomoe and Takako all validate their decisions and Ohana's grandma sighs before telling them they can do whatever they want, so long as their service to the customers isn't downgraded in an attempt to keep up.
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