Episode eight of Wagaya no Oinari-sama follows on from the last instalment by seeing Mubyou make contact with Tohru and company, as she seeks to find the Reverse Circle taken from her by the clam we saw last episode.Mubyou enters the episode complete with two glove puppets - To be honest, I really don't have the foggiest idea why, but I suppose because she's quite cute we're supposed to forget about these things, not to mention the fact that said reverse circle ends up turning up somewhere she should have known it was in the first place. It looks like this whole Reverse Circle arc is going to go on for at least another episode, so given that you'd have thought that this particular offering would have made a little more sense.Aside from that, this show again looks to mix a dash of comedy with a dollop of action, which leaves us with a blend of... unfunny-generic-action-ness. It isn't that there's anything particularly bad about either the series or this episode, and it did keep moving quite nicely, but this feels like something you've seen time and time again before, which makes it hard to invest too much emotion into the whole offering. I called Wagaya no Oinari-sama a workhorse last time around, and I think that description is apt again for episode eight - It touches all the necessary bases and reaches its destination without too much fuss and bother, making for a passable if unspectacular way to while away half an hour.
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