One of two interesting game adaptations this summer season is Shukufuku no Campanella. It stays true to its origins as an ero-game, with incredibly moe girls each getting a bit of face- and body-time with the hero, and some quite erotic (but censored) nudity.To go to a page showing pics of the seven main characters and their seiyuus -- with a bit of info about each seiyuu -- click here or on the image:The plot, such as it is, is just there to throw the protagonist together with one or other of the girls. But the character design and candy-floss coloring, coupled with some very moe voices, make this about as good an analog of an ero-game as broadcast TV will allow.The voices are key. They are not all top anime voices -- but they are ero-game voices. The same people do the anime as did the original game. In the page itself, I give the pseudonyms they used for the game. Details in notes on the page.If you're wondering what the second good game adaptation is, that's Amagami SS, which adapts an all-ages dating game in a new way. It gives four episodes each to six girls, so that each route of the game gets a full story, and the protagonist develops a full relationship with each girl.
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